161 – Moonstruck
Off to the loony bin with ya
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Cruz: blah blah robot lizard people blah
Hibi-Hibi: (I should check on Tammy. See if she's also affected by this... lunacy.)
Hibi-Hibi: Myan dear, keep an eye on those two would you?
Myan: On it!
Hibi-Hibi: Taaaammy?
Can u go back to posting onbtapas I am trying to use this website which I could have designed better in a phone (might. Work on desktop but not phones) and it loads slow and is not a good experience. LOVE your comic (always liked the concept of shapeshifter wish I was one, always love cats.) Anyway PLESEPposy on tapas or line webtoon or something like that.
Thanks for reading my comic, but sorry man! It doesn’t seem like it, but converting my horizontal comic strip to Tapas’ vertical design takes too much time and work, especially now that I’ve moved to using Clip Studio.
“I could have designed better in a phone”
It’s horizontal format, so yeah. Unless they start making longer phones in the future that is.
I do have an idea, about having a vertical version of the comic for mobile devices, but again, the problem above, and doing that is beyond my current skill. Perhaps someday if I’ve got the time or resources to learn/hire someone.
Lunacy… Wait, was that a pun?
Guess where the “luna” in lunacy came from.
Lesbian sex time!
Oof, why did this comment notify me four times?
Because i basically changed the picture 3 times and i’m still learning the ropes of posting with Disqus (especially since the only other Disqus-powered site i visit doesn’t allow pics or links at all anymore)
Ah. You can just upload the image using the button on the bottom left when commenting, or just copy-paste the image’s URL. Wait a bit for Disqus to load/download the image first though.
I know, in fact i was basically experimenting with that.
wait… That picture caption makes me think that it will happen EVENTUALLY