150 – Stupid Sexy People
(Colored!) Concept sketches (Myankini|Hibikini)
Sorry for the delay, anyway, first comic of the year, whoo! And a belated Happy New Year everyone, I hope we all have a good year!
Used “darker pencil” for shading/highlighting for this page. I might stick with it since it does look nice to me. You might need to view it in HD to really appreciate it though.
Poll closed and removed!
Hibi: Swimsuits today are adorable!
Myan: ...that's a lot of water.
Tammy: Looking fiiine ladies, buut... grrr! I hate you Myan, you didn't have to work for that bod!
Tammy: Oh, you boys done cha...cha...
Keith: ?
Tammy: (ehem) changing?
Keith: He should be about done... Aaand it's not blue.
Tammy: U-um, what is?
Cruz: Yo Tammy, guess my favorite color!
Tammy: IS IT BLUE?
oh no…