93 – Hot Sweaty Catgirl Takes Off Her Clothes
Why yes, this is indeed Myan wearing a pair of boots, diving suit, raincoat, swimming goggles, snorkel, and holding an umbrella. Inside she’s probably wearing more, like a scuba suit or something, not that would do anything.
Oh, and looks like I can cross umbrellas off from my “everyday things that are a b***h to draw” list, which includes hands by the way.
Alrighty, this is gonna be the last large/double comic, at least for a while. I really like working with the larger space, though it’s at the expense of requiring more work per comic. I’m also glad that I found TinyPNG to compress these images and make them smaller, or else these large comics can reach around 1MB or more.
Y’all can blame TheBlueMario in the chat for this page’s title.
EDIT July 2024: Why are South Americans (especially Mexico) searching “hot sweaty comic” and ending up here???? Not that I mind, I welcome you!
Myan: Now you can... pant ...spray me all you want!
Keith: Nah, that's punishment enough. Say, isn't it kinda hot in there? Can you even breathe?
Myan: I'm... I'm... pant pant ...fine!
Myan: pant pant GASP GASP
Myan: O-kay... it's a little hot.
KomicsMaker Completely waterproof (and airthight)!
I love the title. Its a great way to play with people’s expectations.
lol the title is fine as hell. XD
And the truth!
Notice how her tail is not covered…
If I were a cat, I think a wet tail would bother me less
I don’t know where that outfit came from but I’m enjoying it. Nice look on her.
Sort of.
Mentlegen “bumpy road”
So… painful gasps of laughter?
That first panel had me gigling like a schoolgirl riding a bike on a bumby road. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out why.
KitsuneFire Lazylonewolf Oh yeah those too, and the air smells so fresh after they pass.
Lazylonewolf It totally does. I tried selecting some text before my cursor using the shift key and the back arrow, and it went to the previous page. Using Chrome, btw.
Nyerguds Lazylonewolf Oh, right. And… which text box? For commenting? It won’t trigger if you see that blinking thing while typing.
ObsidianSpikes That wet huh? I myself wish it rains more often, it’s so relaxing (and cooler).
Thats the average choice of garment in Michgan during spring.
Lazylonewolf I think you messed up that tagging :p
(btw, using the arrow keys in this text box triggers the comic navigation. Really annoying…)
KitsuneFire Be as fashionably late as you want to! Also, what @KitsuneFire said.
oStaiko This would’ve been a short, humorous montage if it was animated…
Going off the main story lately, eh? Usually comics stick to either story based or random snippets like this, but rarely do they do both… Where might you be heading with this?
KitsuneFire She can shapeshift clothes, remember 😉
A little late to the party, but, whatever XD
Sooo, Where did she find a diving helmet with cat ear room? E-Bay?
Lazylonewolf zacherylawshe1999 man in black That’s what everyone else did to the ancient Mayans.
I mean different spelling but same pronunciation.
Nyerguds Thanks.
Heehee. Nice one 😀
zacherylawshe1999 Lazylonewolf man in black You don’t kick a Myan when she’s down, man.
Lazylonewolf man in black Aaaaannnndddd spray bottle.
@Darwinskeeper Heh, but what about all the suckers expecting cheesecake?
Marscaleb “Okay thanks”
man in black She got wet… in a different way. (with sweat, not that)
That didn’t go as planned Myan
“AHH! Why’d you spray me?”
“You looked like you needed to cool down.”
You’re welcome.
Also wow that is a lot of stuff she’s wearing.