91 – Please
And no matter what you do, do not open this link.
Myan: Can I have a lick?
Myan: Please?
Myan: Please?
Myan: Please?
Myan: Please?
Myan: nyeh
And no matter what you do, do not open this link.
Myan: Can I have a lick?
Myan: Please?
Myan: Please?
Myan: Please?
Myan: Please?
Myan: nyeh
That last panel is too funny! XD
Eh… The link has turned into a downloadable .swf … I’m kind of interested in what the movie is.
Just a jumpscare version of the fourth panel. Sadly, Adobe Flash/.sfw has been abandoned by now after all these years.
I miss Flash too, sometimes. There are a bunch of open-source clones, but I never seem to get around to installing one. …I wonder if there’s a HTML5 one… Didn’t think of that until I started typing.
The thing to do if a sexy catgirl walks up to you while you’re eating an ice cream cone and asks you for a lick is to agree and immediately lick her.
Dang it, I only got 5 of the 8 ice cream scoops!
That link: Weeping Myangel? :p
Nyerguds She’ll steal your life… by being adorable.
Well, they froze looking at each other before, which I think is why they cover their own eyes? So looking at an image of an angel should cause them… issues.
silverwolf redux Neospector Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu Will that even work, or will it turn the “image” in the mirror to another angel?
the lynk scared my cat it was hyllarious
@rashnar Haha, I’m sure it was.
Neospector Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu Be prepared
I clicked the link, it was amusing. Also, I generally don’t follow instructions without a good reason, and just being told not to do something is not a good reason.
@Fatemaster Oh, well uh, then don’t give Lazylonewolf any money, no siree. Not even a dime or a penny!
zacherylawshe1999 ObsidianSpikes She’ll probably get sprayed for that.
GDA12294 Neospector Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu Too late.
Neospector Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu
Blink and you’re dead.
ObsidianSpikes well she is a cat lady/girl I mean… cats are generally lazy when they become adults but are normally extremely hungry.
Oh god I can now picture adult Myan just sitting on a couch going “Feed me” to Keith 24/7.
Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu Don’t blink. Don’t even blink.
Old habits die hard.
… I fully expect a Bruce Willis joke :p
That guy has no idea what’s going on. He thinks there’s a crazy dude running around attacking crazy ladies with a spray bottle.
GDA12294 Hmm, does crazy cancel out crazy? Okay it probably doesn’t, but it’s going to be entertaining nonetheless.
She must really love sugary food.
Then again, those are the eyes of the desperate and deprived.
And the training continues
man in black Maybe “The Eye of the Tiger” would be appropriate here.
And there goes my heart for… two-three seconds.
Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu You sir must’ve not heard of the Red button rule!
Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu I never understood why mad scientists put self-destruct buttons on things.
LifeWulf Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu My guess is they have high intelligence, but low wisdom.
Lazylonewolf LifeWulf SanityJinxazu
LifeWulf Lazylonewolf SanityJinxazu Kinda reminds me of The Most Useless Machine, minus the screaming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86V_ICUCD4
Lazylonewolf LifeWulf SanityJinxazu I always found the reason to be that once something on your mind is said or done, It doesn’t become as bothersome.
Haha, that SWF was entertaining. I think that the delay in between scenes was a bit long though.
LifeWulf Heh, noted.
Keith and Myan REALLY have a lot to work on. Keith needs to explain to Myan that engaging in certain feline behaviors, like begging while in human form is going to lead to the wrong kind of attention and that will lead to trouble. Keith will also have to be careful about how he disciplines Myan when she is in human form. I am not that familiar with Philippine culture, but I doubt that young men spray their female friends with water bottles. I kind of appreciate his problem, when it comes to disciplining animals, you have to catch them in the act, and if Myan can get out of being disciplined by using her human form, she will be tempted to change into it when she wants to misbehave. Hence Keith’s need to explain the facts of life about having human form.
Good strip!!!
@Darwinskeeper In Myan’s defense, begging works sometimes, if she was in cat form that is. It’s just hard to break habits I guess.