85 – A Name Called Regret
Finally the flashback is over, whoo! And since it’s already December, I hope you all have a Happy Holiday, no matter what your religion, or non-religion is! Aaaand, ehem, if anyone’s feeling particularly generous, why not give a tip through that Donate button on the left? If not, a vote will do!
Keith: Who knew that was the start of all this weirdness? ...at least I got a discount for that collar.
Myan: Dad.
Keith: What...oh! Your name? Well...
Keith: It's... it's great.
Myan: W-why did you look away?
Keith: Who's looking away?
Myan: You just looked away again!
Alericf1 Flash Player 11.1 is available for Android 2.x, 3.x and 4.0.x Search on Google “flash archive”, it should be the first link. Its not compatible with all android devices though. I can’t install it on mine. >:(
@CryoSID Alericf1 I suppose I should keep Flash comics/animations as a bonus, and not part of the story. So people without a computer, but has a mobile device, won’t miss anything. Or make PNG versions of them.
I can just upload animations to Youtube though if I make any in the future.
The only thing that doesn’t work for mobile devices is Adobe flash.
Alericf1 Sorry about that. At least there’s only that one comic that needs Adobe Flash. Maybe I’ll take some time to learn how to make interactive comics without Flash, but just maybe.
Is the address bar supposed to never change regardless of which comic you are on? I have never seen such a thing before and got really confused for a bit there.
@KPSquall That will happen if you use Comic Rocket, but use Cat Nine’s own navigation buttons, instead of Comic Rocket’s.
Lazylonewolf Thank you, I didn’t know what you were talking about until I poked at a few more things. Though it looks more like it is comic rocket’s navigation button that changes the address bar to show which comic strip I am on.
@KPSquall Lazylonewolf That’s why I included the page numbers in the comic itself so something like this wouldn’t be a problem.
I used to have a Golden retriever I rescued from the pound. He was 7…
And his name? Bumper
Yes, I know, that is an interesting name. But he was awesome. And so very gentle. His best friend was lucky. And SHE was a grey kitten.
R.I.P. Bumper…
September 17, 2011
21 years old
KitsuneFire Well, I hope he wasn’t killed by a car, cause you know, “Bumper”.
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Eesh, that is some dark humor.
zacherylawshe1999 Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire I can laugh at a lot of stuff. Sorry if it offended Kitsune, heh.
I just wanna we what would happen! Think about it, if myan gets catnip, she may be more adorable! Or she could just fall asleep…but I just wanna see what would happen!
Frostflame Haha yeah I know what you’re talking about, but that won’t be until for later.
Lazylonewolf Well overused and overall strange in my opinion.
zacherylawshe1999 Lazylonewolf And too much wish fulfillment for my taste.
Lazylonewolf I’d hate to see how people would react though if this kinda stuff happened on a daily basis but I shudder at the thought. Anyway I think it’s time to stop replying here, you probably have stuff you need to do.
zacherylawshe1999 Lazylonewolf Nah, comment away!
This comic is hilarious. I still wonder what whould myan do with catnip.
Frostflame … why do you keep asking about catnip, mannnn? *suspicious looks*
I have to say that the father/daughter type relationship works fine with these two. Although I looked over the classics and laughed my ass off, this one is also doing it’s job to keep me and others entertained.
zacherylawshe1999 Yeah! Good thing I changed Myan from one of those “magical girlfriend” types. It has lost its appeal to me, and I think it’s overused.
Never really had this problem as the dogs I’ve gotten were somebody else’s pets, so they came prenamed.
@Darwinskeeper Any silly/stupid names?
Lazylonewolf Not really, the strangest was Phoenix, a small male Beagle. I did call my wife’s Shihtzu Jaws, because of his broad mouth and his nasty disposition. I also give Tess, my current dog sickeningly sweet nicknames, like Sweetums Sweetie Pumpkin. It is probably a good thing that (unlike Myan) she never learned to talk.
Use the old fall back line, “You’re cute and I wanted you to have a cute name.” Works every time.
ObsidianSpikes Haha, did your parents tell you that?
Lazylonewolf ObsidianSpikes Aww, cute widdle ObsidianSpikes!
ProPuke Lazylonewolf ObsidianSpikes Well, I’m puking like a pro right now.
Heeeyyyyy. Myan, a cute name for a cute girl. IT’S PERFECT FOR HER.
I can’t imagine Myan with any other name.
KitsuneFire Yeah! That’s Keith talking, not me by the way.
Because it isn’t as great as he thought
man in black I’ll bet some pet owners who gave their pets weird names might react the same.
Lazylonewolf man in black Which is also why pretty much no name that is given to a pet stays exactly the same over the years.
Most of them end up being close to the first one, but sometimes they end up in the completely opposite from the first name.
Shivaerus Lazylonewolf man in black Haha, maybe it was in the heat of the moment when they named their pets.