84 – There’s No I in Myan
Back again from an impromptu video game binge. Curse youuuu Steam for FTL and and Valkyria Chronicles!!
Keith: ... So, um...
Cashier: S-s-sorrryy!!
Keith: Nah, it's fine.
Keith: I just hope my cat doesn't lose another eye, am I right?
Cashier: ........
Keith: O-o-or else... eyepatch...but but pirates!.. "Arr!"
Both: ............................................
Pirate Myan?
@man in black That’s Captain Myan to you, landlubber!

Giant Alien Spiders are no joke. Unless you have a clone bay, I suppose…
Anti bio beams, boarding drones, and anti personal drone also makes them a joke, and all three are better than the clone bay against giant alien spiders
Lazylonewolf man in black Ok this is too adorable not to show up in the main story lol. ^_^
ObsidianSpikes Lazylonewolf man in black What if… it is too adorable for the main story?
Cool I like FTL too
The Disclaimer though…
What is her deal? Weirdo
Those two are soooooooooooo pathetic.
I did not want to spoil anything, but the reason you never see her legs is because she has none. She is actually a snakewoman, and this is the plot twist of the century.
Im just sitting here, not only think of how adorable this art style is, but all the numerous plot twists that involve the clerk.
eddiedalejr Only 2 comics, and she already has a lot of fans. XD
After all this, the shopkeeper really needs some tea to calm her down.
Shivaerus No, more coffee!
Lazylonewolf Shivaerus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ck8fY-haMc
Neospector Lazylonewolf Shivaerus Ah, haven’t watched Hoodwinked yet. Anyway, cool, the video’s displaying more or less correctly.
This just made her even more adorable. Please give her a name
LordPyralis She doesn’t really have a name yet since she’s a background character… but I do have a bonus comic about this, later.
Lazylonewolf LordPyralis Main character, pl0x? Or at least recurring. Almost as loveable as Myan.
@Dr Shiny Lazylonewolf LordPyralis More likely a recurring background character.
Somthing wrong with my browser <_< How could I go 3 days without knowing there was a new page <_< FireFox has failed me *Cries*
KitsuneFire Or you know, just refresh. Even better, use the RSS.
I think the saleswoman’s nervousness was questioned enough in the comments for the previous strip, but I don’t get why Keith suddenly becomes nervous in the last panel of this strip.
@MauveCloud Oh my god, it’s infectious!
Or, her nervousness is making him nervous too.
catmanix The only solution is to laugh at THEM for not getting the joke.
all you other people commenting, you owe me.
Ah, FTL… one of the many games that can be summed up with “Everything was going well, until __________ and then I died.”