79 – The Great Naming of Things
Whew, delay, I really was lazying again this week hah. At least I got to finish the comic in one day, although technically it took me from Saturday night to Sunday morning to finish.
Nuhh, that first panel with Keith kneeling down took forever to draw. I’m pretty sure it’s not perfect yet, then again, 90% or so should be good enough not to lose my sanity over.
Some things I’m planning to do this month, hopefully I can get most of them done:
- Draw something for that webcomic Halloween event. If you have a webcomic, why not join as well?
- I may or may not change the banner for Halloween.
- Make 3 comics a week, so I have a buffer of 1 month worth of comics (12 pages) in preparation for the thrice a week update. The buffer’s also going to be used if my Patreon page is finished; patrons pledging a certain amount can view them in advance. If you have any suggestions for some of the rewards, just tell me!
Keith: Hmm...
Keith: When I look at you...
Myan: meow
Keith: Suddenly, the perfect name comes to mind!
Keith: Yes! Your name will be...
Keith: "CAT" Because I give up.
I knew a dog named Dog once. It used to confuse me before I knew the name because the owners would be like, “Come here, Dog! Who’s the best dog in the world? Dog is!”
Next cat I get, is going to be called “Curiosity”
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, Curiosity *is* my cat!
@The Aussie Bloke A-are you sure? Wait wait, what if Curiosity is a cat, and then it killed another cat?!
Holy shit,that’s a mindworm!
Just talked with some friends about bad namechoices, a few days ago. It started with a race in LARP of wolves, that turned themself into elves, where one of them took the name lobo (should be wolf in spanish), went to dragonheart, where the knight called the dragon draco (dragon in latin).
And finally got to the question: “Why was there never a man that replied to something like that with ‘Nice to meet you. My name is Human the Homosapiens.’ “
Reo I can guess that they’ll just call him gay or something, haha.
I had a cat called Cat.
@The Anon Surreal.
I’m going to get a cat one day and name it mouse, why? because I can, that’s why!
Fatemaster Go ahead buddy, no one can stop you!
This page made me laugh out loud!
Marscaleb That’s what I live for. 😀
I can’t tell if she’s supper excited in that last panal, or ready to cry <_<
KitsuneFire I dunno, you tell me.
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire New “OMG” reaction photo
oStaiko Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Cool, you do that.
This is relevant.
Five bucks says something heavy landed on his head and he finally gave her her name ^_^
ObsidianSpikes Ooh, are you donating? *wink wink*
Cat? Swing and a miss there
man in black *siiighhh* Keith…
Lazylonewolf man in black “Keith? I don’t want to be keithed by you!!” -Mike Tyson
Hoopajoo Lazylonewolf man in black Um, I don’t get it.
Lazylonewolf Hoopajoo man in black
Hoopajoo Lazylonewolf man in black Ahhhh 😀