77 – What’s in a name?
Sorry for another flashback, but at least you guys will finally find out the real secret mysterious reason why her name is Myan, and not because I couldn’t think of anything back then!
Myan: Is... my name really that stupid?
Keith: *slurp*
Keith: uhh...
[The first day]
Keith: So what should I call you?
Keith (thinking): Let's see... Something awesome... Something unique...
Lol nice style dude! XD
Thanks, though I’m not really into using exaggerated expressions like these nowadays.
I actually really like that style. I’m almost curious what the comic would look like in it.
KomicsMaker It Will Be A COMIC Filled With DRAMATIC MOMENTS
I know this may be a tad bit late… but the third panel deserves to be a meme.
zacherylawshe1999 Maybe! Memes aren’t my thing anymore though.
“So what should I call you?” “Mew?” Me: XD
What’s wrong with Myan? So she’d be called different if they find her another name?
I love this thing. Its charming in a scrappy way.
eddiedalejr Thanks, but uh, scrappy?
I remember when I got my little kitty from the pet store, they told us it was a girl, I got her in May, so I named her May.
. . . . Then one day, we realized she had some fetures that made her more male than female X_X
So, easy fix… May -> Major
KitsuneFire Uh, features?
yah, apparently, at a young enough age, its hard to determin a male from a female without doing blood work… and Major was taken away and sold at to young of an age.
It wasn’t until one day about 3 weeks later, that we realised ‘she’ had tools between ‘his’ legs.
KitsuneFire Lazylonewolf Probably both.
wtf why does it take so long to release these things, buttersafe comes out tuesday and thursday, you should do that
Rasheem Different webcomics have different styles and reasons for their schedule. A full time artist like Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content fame updates 5 days a week because he uses an art style that suits him and is fairly simple and is, well, full-time.
Alternatively a webcomic like Cat Nine or an artist like Cube from Kiwi Blitz (http://www.kiwiblitz.com/) have significantly more effort put into shading and design and also may have a part time (or full time) job (like Wolf and Cube).
If you want to get into webcomics you have to be capable of handling waiting periods.
Neospector Rasheem I have to admit though, I am a bit slow and procrastinate as well.
Then again, the next comic is somewhat bigger than the usual
Also, here’s to better and more comics in the future.
Lazylonewolf Neospector Rasheem ah what do i know anyway? i dont even lift nor can i draw.
Rasheem Lazylonewolf Neospector It’s cool brah.
Rasheem Will do in the future, after a nice pile of buffer comics is done. Maybe three times a week even.
…Something inspired by too much anime … ^_^
ObsidianSpikes That’s man in black
I named a bunch of mine animals after Anime characters
man in black If you get a black cat, name is Nyamisus.
Named after an anime cat named after the word “nyan”. 😛
Neospector man in black I had four different rabbits that were named Ryo- Ohki, Aisha Clan Clan, Shippou, and Usagi
man in black Neospector Hrm, let me guess which anime/manga they came from:
Ryo- No idea
Aisha- Know it, but forgot the name
Shippou- Inuyasha?
Usagi- Japanese name for rabbit, or Sailor Moon’s surname?
Lazylonewolf Ryo-Ohki is from Tenchi Muyo, Aisha Clan Clan is from Outlaw Star, Shippou is indeed from Inuyasha, and you are correct about Usagi being the Japanese word for rabbit, but it’s also the *given* name of Sailor Moon’s alternate identity (in the Japanese), not her surname (her family name is Tsukino)
@MauveCloud Lazylonewolf Uh, so did I get 1 or 2 points? 😀
Neospector man in black I’ve read and finished that, haha.
Well you have to understand, the name “Nyan Cat” way already taken, and…
Marscaleb Myan still came first though.