71 – Just another morning
Welp, I’m back from a few harrowing weeks of too tired from work and too much video games, which is not a good combination when you have a webcomic. Hope you guys enjoy this one! I’m pretty amazed with this actually, I did not practice at all while I was away!
Don’t expect the next comics to be always this large though, but it’s definitely a nice change of pace and challenge for me. Panels 1 to 3 was actually done since April 10, but I knew the last “panel” going to take forever, hopefully I’ll be faster next time with large comics like this. And no, it did not take me weeks to finish the last panel, just, like I mentioned, too tired, and too much video games. I’ve actually managed to set aside video games for the weekends and started working out more again, so expect (but also no promises) regular updates again.
Myan: Good...
Myan: ...mor-ning!
Keith: ...this is how I'm going to wake up from now on, isn't it?
<<After a hectic first week of school (no thanks to Myan), our heroes decided to spend some time relaxing at the park.>>
Guy: Here boy!
Myan: DAD! DAD!
Keith: Ge-ACHff me!
that awakening :’D!
Pitioti She’s like an alarm clock that licks you.
Lazylonewolf Pitioti Best alarm clock of the world :’D
Well that was a large step up in quality.
KomicsMaker Better make it look good to make up for the lateness.
wtf thats not how you snap a neck she is doing it wrong
Rasheem Yeah Myan, you’re doing it all wrong.
This was cool to read, nice work and sorry i'm not gonna keep up with it…
davidnelson935 Thanks, and it's alright!
@Austin It's like one of those things, you know? Those things that have been gone so long, that it's now unfamiliar.
The little doggie looks like Mania from Gastrophobia. 🙂
Marscaleb Don't really know that comic, but at least I got it to look like a dog. The question here is, does it look like a Shiba Inu to you?
Lazylonewolf Marscaleb Much similar. Very Doge. Wow.
heh typical cat behavour
Picosux224 Imagine if he was giving her a bath!
Cooool! I love this comic!
Alixstar11 Thanks!