103 – Never Gonna Give You Up
Never gonna let you down.
Hibi-Hibi: I think we should take a break for today...
Myan: ...are you giving up on me?
Hibi-Hibi: No Myan, I just-
Myan: Let's face it, I'll never fit in like this! And I don't want to cause any more problems for dad!
Myan: Maybe it's better that I didn't have this...
@Amakawa Yuuto we can still have hope, my brother
Lazylonewolf Yup, the Manga was pretty good. Add to it that it hit several of my… “interests”, and it skyrocketed to my favourite manga.
…sadly, the anime is a sub-par fanservice festival.
@Amakawa Yuuto Lazylonewolf Watched and read the whole series. It was actually pretty decent for a harem manga.
Lazylonewolf Heh. I admit, I have predictable tastes.
Haha, I wonder when I can use that joke again…
Haha, says the guy from Omamori Himori.
The only part that kind of bothers me is that the “Dad” thing makes any catgirl romance kind of awkward >.<
@MauveCloud ShadowDarkness Lazylonewolf Yeah, it made me scratch my head too.
ShadowDarkness Lazylonewolf The sketch looks like the start of a fun alternate storyline, but I don’t get ShadowDarkness’s comment.
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Like how Tammy was all googly-eyed, doki-doki over Keith in her dreams?
Lazylonewolf Ladies and gentlemen, Fish 17 and 3/4 of 1/8
KitsuneFire Lazylonewolf Oh yeah, that. The old art still makes me die a little inside though, even if it was good practice.
@MauveCloud I don’t know why your comment made me come up with this.
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Hehe, the old Cat9. I thought that was awsome XD My favorite sketch was the one where she turned herself into a VICIOUS TIGER and pounced keith in the morning.
And the thing i posted, was just a random thing i found while looking up images of collars a while back while trying to find a good looking one for my kitty.
RandomHobo4 Lazylonewolf Tomethius
Heh, still a wicked good song even when used in pranks.
thefred Yeah, this is definitely one of the cuter Myans I’ve drawn.
Maybe so, but I’m still deciding how smart the animals are in Cat Nine.
You can do the messed up text here https://lingojam.com/ZalgoText), enjoy.
KitsuneFire She has already done it anyway.
You can’t ditch the collar Myan
She sure is cute with her ears down in the second frame. Maybe just knowing the secret that the hair on the sides of her hair isn’t just hair contributes to it. No, no, no, it couldn’t be that she’s cuter as a non-catgirl regular human. Sacrilege! Cat ears for everyone on the planet!
Someone tell her that she’s outrageously intelligent and fast to adapt already. She’s what, a few months old? By cat standards she’s a genius, and by human standards, she’s still a genius. And she’s all discouraged that she a priori she starts off naive about what cultural taboos dictate as acceptable behavior.
How do you make the messed up characters like in your description:
Characters: , ,
I’ve seen that before and it even copies into notepad but I have no idea how you do that.
Now where’s the river for her to throw the transformation trinket into and Drosselmeyer to freak out about it?
man in black Better not scroll down then.
Well we weren’t Rick Rolled, so that’s a bonus
Lazylonewolf RandomHobo4 Tomethius Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
RandomHobo4 Tomethius Never gonna say goodbye.
Tomethius Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna run around, and desert you