101 – Hey! Listen!
Was trying to look-up if ladies and gentlemen in the past were trained with some physical punishment when they make a mistake, but I couldn’t find any. In any case, I don’t think it’s that effective when used by Hibi…
Oh hey look, another use for a fan aside from cooling down, and looking more ladylike.
Hibi-Hibi: A lady has discipline and self-control. Your father here will offer you a treat and you will politely decline by saying, "No thank you."
Keith: Uh, do you want a treat Myan?
Myan: The whole bag!
Looking back, I’m impressed at the amount of detail on Myan in the last panel
Thanks! It’s kinda needed for close ups, well, I think close ups need more detail anyway.
ShadowDarkness Tomethius Lazylonewolf Of course not. I was just saying…I actually don’t remember what I was trying to say. Ahh well
Tomethius ShadowDarkness Lazylonewolf Tomethius ShadowDarkness Lazylonewolf Did I SAY it hadto be one of those?!?
thefred Lazylonewolf Haha, kinda surprising people liked that so much.
Lazylonewolf Wow, that there took some effort. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know that as a mere reader, you might give so much time and attention to me.
ShadowDarkness Lazylonewolf Tomethius Can I just say that I had no intention for it to go in that direction. I was talking about something with cat nip in it. Like one of those mice on a string
Lazylonewolf ShadowDarkness Tomethius Insert joke about them looking up that type of art when the comic is quite well known, but then again curiosity DID just brutally murder my cat. His name was Schrödinger.
ShadowDarkness Tomethius Lazylonewolf I was gonna ask what “toy” he had in mind.
Tomethius Lazylonewolf No! Baaead wording! What if one of THEM heard you???
I believe that to be the equivalent of “Hells ya.”
Bad Hibi! Do not smek Myan!
@Darwinskeeper If someone offered me some Skittles, I wouldn’t be able to resist too.
Lazylonewolf Tomethius Fine. I guess no treats for Myan. How about we just get her a toy?
That’s about what I would have imagined my late cheezebeagle Phoenix saying if he could talk and I asked that question. Good one!!!
Tomethius “No!” *smek* “Bad!” *sprayed*
Poor Myan. No one wants to let her get treats