37 – Magna Cat Laude
That’s how I wake up everyday, if I’m a zombie that is, wahahahha!
Okaay, trying a refined style of this one and I’ll think I’ll keep it.
Notes (10/23/2014)
Those rounded edges are very hard to do in Flash if they’re not squares or rectangles, so I gave up on them.
Wake up!
Keith: Ack!
Myan: nyaaaa]]]
The typical waking of the Onii-chan.
so THIS is what dying feels like 😅
Who doesn’t want a catgirl bouncing on top of them? 
{giggle} That’s how I wake up my roomies every day, nyao! Being a catgirl is SOOO much fun! >^_^<
Keith highly disagrees with this method of waking.
So do my roomies for some reason… Must be a two-legs thing, nyao.
I like the change in format.
The rounded panels are kinda hard to do in Flash though, so I stopped. I also like the white background so it stands out.
As a cat owner with a window by their bed, I know that pain all too well XD.
KevinFranklin1 It's a really bad idea to sleep beside someone with weapons in their hands. (poor Wolverine)