35 – Goofing Off
Vote Comic! Sorry I missed an update, I was distracted again especially by Stranded 2.
A reference for Lady Gaga’s meat dress, and yes, from that show. I’m surprised that it’s an ok show.
[[Myan getting ready to eat out of her bowl using a fork and spoon}}
[[She makes like a tiger and eats with her hands instead]]
Myan: Rawr!
[[Keith looking disappointed]]
[[Myan transformed back to her cat girl form, and wearing some new clothing]]
[[Keith and Tammy looking at a magazine]]
Keith: Do this one next.
Tammy: The meat dress?!
[[Myan transformed into a pony, and Cruz jumping for joy]]
Cruz: Pony ride!
Myan: No.
[[Alarm clock showing it's already 11:27 PM]]
[[Cruz and Tammy leave as Myan and Keith bid farewell]]
Lol MLP reference! That made my day. X3
rradt2001 Yeah it’s an ok show.
Lazylonewolf rradt2001 Yea not all bronies are THOSE bronies, those guys weird me out!
rradt2001 Lazylonewolf I’m not a die-hard fan in any work, so okay.
Hah, my little pony. Bronies unite.
I still don't understand bronies though. Sure, the series is pretty ok but the whole thing still weirds me out.
Lazylonewolf Shh shh, we shall tolerate that you don’t love the show.