Myan: Rrrroooaarr Tammy: You call that a roar Myan? Cruz: Feeling really patriotic right now! Rallidae: I'm sure you do. Myna: I'm a duck! Meow meow meow... Keith: Excuse me, can I take a look at one of those balisongs?
Keith: Ohhh, it's authentic from Batangas too! Let's see if I can still flip these...
I can’t even imagine the feeling of rejection that salespeople face everyday. Also, I better stop before I used that face too much…
Rallidae: Yes. I'm curious, how did your cat got all the way up there? Keith: No idea.
Rallidae: Come on, you can tell me~ Keith: I don't know.
Rallidae: Pretty please? Keith: ...
Rallidae: Oh, okay, if you said you don't know, you don't know. L-let's just continue the tour... [Finally gave up] Keith: Sorry I can't really tell you...
Updates are still a little sporadic, but I’ll try to keep them regular again this month. Also, remember to vote for this year’s Halloween banner thingy!
Rallidae: Okay, about what happened last time... My brother and I usually interview interesting people around the campus for our video blog.
Rallidae: Anyway, we were trying to get people to "act naturally". We got that idea from watching nature documentaries...
Cruz: So, we're interesting people huh? Rallidae: It's not you.
Tammy: Ehehe! Rallidae: ...or you.
Rallidae: I was actually going to ask you, about that cat the other day. Keith: My cat huh...? Myan: I-I'm a lionnn~
I’m back from an unannounced hiatus, sorry about that! Was busy with other stuff as usual.
Anyway, Halloween is almost here. I’m gonna make a blog post so you can vote on what costumes they’re gonna wear for the banner + wallpaper! If you still want to make suggestions, now’s your last chance to do it. Voting will start on October 25, and end on the 28th!
Rallidae: Now, about my brother...
Rallidae: How did you even know he was my brother?'re the ones who are following us, you weirdos!
Rallidae: N-now over here is the Palawan Bearcat...
Sorry for the delay again as have been busy with other stuff as usual. Still, I’m working on some comic-related stuff too, like the new interactive side-comic Magicat Girl, and I’m planning and making some wallpapers for Patreon. The wallpapers could be panels from the comic pages, or original artwork. If you have a specific comic you want to make into a wallpaper, or have an idea for an original wallpaper, just leave a comment or send an email!
Guhh, I think I need more practice drawing glasses. To me, Rallidae’s glasses look more like a thicker version of those paper 3d glasses. Oh well! It would probably help if I get some glasses of my own as reference, and I do need them for seeing anyway (nearsightedness).
Rallidae: Do you have any questions before we proceed with the tour?
Myan: Where's your brother? Keith: What really happened the last time we met? Cruz: How did you get those smokebombs? Tammy: Do you actually work here? Rallidae: Hah! Are you sure you're not the journalists here? Well, let's talk about it while walking shall we?
I think my top view and long shot drawings are getting better. I sure hope so anyway.
Also, I’m making some more improvements around the site, like with more blogs/comics/art, and comment badges. Right now, I’m trying to come up with wallpapers and different themes for users in the comment section.
Rallidae: ehem!
Rallidae: Welcome to The Zoo everyone! I'm Rallidae, and I'll be your guide for today! Tammy: Ooohhh!
Cruz: Wow... It wasn't this nice before!
Rallidae: Yes, the zoo has been making efforts to improve the quality for both visitors and the animals.
In the Philippines, you’re not considered an adult until you see a Philippine Eagle. People who haven’t seen the eagle yet are called “diagilas“, and they are treated as children no matter their age until they do see one. That’s why at the age of 12, parents have been known to send their children on pilgrimages just to see these eagles. Also, did I sound convincing cause I just made all of that up… or did I?
I don’t know how much you guys know about the Philippines, but I can probably make some stuff up and you wouldn’t know it, heh..heheh… (yes the above was all made up, but secretly wishing it was true)
Rallidae: ...treat you at the zoo's restaurant? Can you smell that? It drives tourists and animals alike wild! Myan: ~drool
Rallidae: Maybe you'd like a discount at the gift shop? Got some great stuff in there! Note this awesome hat I am now wearing.
Rallidae: And ooh, just for today, you'll be able to meet- the rare Philippine Eagle! I'm not supposed to do this, but for you...
Rallidae: ...I can call in some favors so you guys can take some... once-in-a lifetime photos.
Keith: Maybe I should've asked for more... Everyone: WOOO!!
To be fair, Myan can actually work as a secret agent (complete with catsuit) if she wants to. Now, the question is if the Philippines has a decent spy agency or something… Sadly, we also don’t have any fancy zoos here, which is why they’re inexpensive. One ticket without any discounts is around $2-3 only.
*Keith looks at the ticket prices...* Keith: It's not that expensive, but I'd rather not pay for Myan's entrance fee if I can help it. Myan: sorry... Cruz: Hmm, I have an idea...
Cruz: Okay, I'll scout the area for cameras and guards, Keith is the distraction, while Myan sneaks in. Try not to die. Myan: I've sneaked in before! Keith: I'll do anything to save a few bucks. Tammy: Or you know, we can just, like, split her ticket. Guys? ...erm, what do I do?
Cruz: Take pictures of us being badasses, for posterity. Tammy: Posterit- oh, Facebook.