Whooo! Some fanservice for the girls, maybe! Almost reached page 40 this month, tsk!
I wonder if anyone has actually put on their pants first before their underwear in their hurry.
[[Keith is eating his food as fast as possible. Myan (cat form) is on the table trying to get his attention]] Keith: <<AGAHRAGFHAM>> Myan: Hey..
[[Keith is in a town, brushing his teeth, just out of the shower. Myan (human form) is still trying to get his attention]] Myan: -um
[[Myan (cat form) is on the floor, yelling at Keith to get his attention]] Myan: DAD!
[[Keith is pulling his pants up but his underwear on the outside, looking over his back at Myan]] Keith: What Myan WHAT? Myan (off-screen): Can I come with you?
I guess that’s a perfectly valid reason to wake someone up like that.
Yeah I tweeted that I’ll update this on Friday, well uh, it’s technically Friday on some other part of the world, right? Right? 😀 In any case, I’m trying to reach 40 pages before July. Fun.
Myan: I was trying to wake you up and I tried everything!
Myan: I was bored- -and hungry... ...and that thing going "beep beep" woke me up too early!
Vote Pic! I’m trying out ComicPress on my other(secret) website. Could be useful when I get my own domain name someday, too bad catnine.com is taken though. Looks good so far, but I still like how the site looks on ComicGenesis. Might have to look for other content management systems and learn some php or something.
Stopped using the Flex nib for my Wacom Pen cause it’s very worn out and I only have one. I’ll miss it cause gives the pen more friction than usual. Thought that my drawings are gonna look a little different because of that but I find it a bit easier to draw now since I forgot that I’ve been practicing with the normal nibs since my old tablet, and I think I can draw faster now too.
Used a reference picture, but second panel’s still hard to draw. Haven’t had much practice with two or more people touching/interacting yet, but still very happy with the result. Also had some difficulty with Tammy’s pose on the second to the last panel. Whenever there’s a difficult or unfamiliar pose, I try to draw it on my sketch pad first. Usually it’s much better than what I can do on the computer itself. So I tried tracing my drawing, and it looks pretty good.
[[Hibi floating beside Keith]] Keith: While she's like that, why don't you fix them Hibi? Hibi: I'd love to, but casting that spell took a lot out of me.
[[Tammy and Myan hugging each other and giving Keith the puppy dog eyes]] Tammy: She's fine the way she is! Keith: But--
[[Tammy explains a bit about people]] Tammy: People aren't gonna care if she has them because magic isn't real. Hibi: <<ehem>> Tammy: You know what I mean, they'll be in denial, and they'll try to rationalize it.
[[Tammy posing like a mermaid, and Keith getting all worked up]] Tammy: I should know, I'm a mermaid! Keith: No you're not!
[[Keith sees her point]] Keith: O-kay you got me there.
Vote pic! I guess that’s Keith’s revenge for Myan scalping him two times already. Too bad he broke his cat.
Notes (10/22/2014) Removed some of the rant since it’s too long and doesn’t really apply here anymore. Oh, and I suggest viewing the vote comic above!
[[Tammy leaning towards Myan, who's looking a little miffed.]] Tammy: Awkwarrd!
[[Close up of Keith looking sideways towards Cruz.]] Keith: He's not freaking out this time...
[[Cruz noticed Keith looking at him, so Keith quickly looked away.]] Cruz: Hm? Keith: -uh
[[Keith trying to think up of an excuse.]] Keith: At least...I don't have to worry about her clothes? Cruz: What about her cat parts? Keith: We could snip em' off.
[[Myan looking shocked]] Keith: I'm just kidding Myan. Myan?
Sorry for the delay, but here we go. Check out the site, added a leaderboard ad from Project Wonderful, and a comment system for the archives! Cat Tiger Myan’s back! Bravo, bravo!
Ah, figured it out why it isn’t updating. Had something to do with the features I mentioned above.
Notes (10/22/2014) While the different animal ears/tail are great to give Myan some “variety”, I won’t be using them that much, if at all, in the future.
[[Hibi-hibi looking disappointed]] <<sigh>> Hibi-hibi: Let's try that again. This time turn into a human and...
[[Hibi-hibi floating beside Tammy and gesturing towards her]] Hibi-hibi: ...copy what she's wearing! [[Tammy covering her breasts with her arms]] Tammy: If she gets my undies right we're gonna have a problem.
[[Myan looking enthusiastic]] Myan: Alright, here I go!
<<POOF>> [[Myan transforms into a tiger girl wearing Tammy's clothes but with slightly different colors]] Myan: Tada!
Anyone remember this? Kept it simpler than the older one, as I do NOT want to go through animating all those frigging stripes if I ever decide to do something like that again. Haven’t actually designer her tiger form properly yet though, so it’ll probably be refined later on.
Notes (10/22/2014) Boo to you, past self! Those stripes were awesome! And I dunno why I was feeling lazy back then since this time, I didn’t have to animate it! Booooo, hissss!
[[Hibi-hibi and Myan standing on the bed]] Hibi-hibi: Let's talk about your collar.
[[Hibi-hibi crossing her arms]] Hibi-hibi: Picture in your mind what you want to be, then you WILL be. You have to really want it though. For now, let's start with... <<POOF>>
[[Myan transforms into a tiger]] Hibi-hibi...Paying attention first. Myan: Grr.
[[Cut to Tammy and Keith, with Keith putting on a hard hat]] Tammy: What's with the hard hat? Keith: Just in case.