Didn’t know mano is unique to the Philippines. Interesting!
Hibi-Hibi: A lady is respectful to everyone, especially their elders. You can show respect by giving mano. Say "Mano po!" then hold your father's hand.
Myan: Mano po! Keith: I'm not that old yet... Hibi-Hibi: Now, bow so you can touch his hand to your forehead.
Hibi-Hibi: Just do it slowly-
Myan: D-dad! How could you?! Keith: Wha- HOW IS THAT MY FAULT?!!
Hibi-Hibi: heh hehe
Hibi-Hibi: heh-ehem... Uh, you should wait until I was finished speaking, Myan.
Was trying to look-up if ladies and gentlemen in the past were trained with some physical punishment when they make a mistake, but I couldn’t find any. In any case, I don’t think it’s that effective when used by Hibi…
Oh hey look, another use for a fan aside from cooling down, and looking more ladylike.
Hibi-Hibi: A lady has discipline and self-control. Your father here will offer you a treat and you will politely decline by saying, "No thank you."
Keith: Uh, do you want a treat Myan? Myan: The whole bag!
Oh my, 100 comics. Yipee. I was actually gonna celebrate the 99th comic, cause you know, Cat Nine, but eh. Anyway, I thank you dear readers, for keeping this comic going. Here’s to another 100!
Hibi-Hibi: A lady is defined by a number of traits...
Hibi-Hibi: Like possessing a sense of responsibility. Myan: Oh! I know all about being responsible!
Surprise early update everyone! Trying to finish Episode 3 by the end of April so I can take that hiatus as soon as possible. If anyone wants to know, Myan’s wearing a Maria Clara gown. Loved drawing that thing.
Hibi-Hibi: A lady knows that how one presents themselves is important. Therefore, we shall start with being well-dressed.
Hibi-Hibi: Now then, what's the perfect outfit for you?
Hibi-Hibi: Well! Nothing wrong with traditional wear!
Myan: It's kinda hot and itchy! Hibi-Hibi: No no, that's normal
I really like Hibi’s new dress here, especially since I’ve never liked the green from her old dress.
Haha, sorry if Keith looks kinda ugly here, I needed the practice! I got it mostly right I think, though it’s on the more realistic side. Hmm, everyone won’t look photogenic at all from that low angle… no wonder a lot of selfie pics are taken from high angles, yeah?
Hibi-Hibi: Perhaps I can help. Keith: Oh, hey there Hibi-Hibi. You will?
Hibi-Hibi: Yes, this is a common problem for animals turning into human beings. I shall help by teaching her to be a lady.
Hibi-Hibi: This way, she'll learn how to act like a human and how to be cultured...y-yeah. Myan: What...?
This took some time to rewrite for some reason. Originally, Cruz’s advice isn’t that… useful (okay it was really useless), but I didn’t want to make Cruz as just another goofy guy. On the other hand, I don’t want to make him too serious/philosophical… so yeah, I think I got a good combination in this page, I think.
If you aren’t following me on Tumblr or Twitter, I mentioned that I might take a hiatus after finishing the current episode, so uh, heads up.
And yes he’s playing something on PS4… which game, I don’t know (I don’t have a PS4).
Cruz: Yes she can talk and transform but she's still a cat, right? That's why I think it's ok to train and treat her like a pet.
Cruz: Although some people don't like the words "pet" or "owner" Keith: Right. Cruz: I-In the end, the most important thing is that you treat each other as... family.
Cruz: You hear that? Family, Keith! *sniff* Keith: Are you... are you crying? Cruz: No....yes.
I’m still unsure about some of the pages after this, which is why I’m still re/writing them. Don’t worry though, they won’t cause any delays. I’m just finding it hard which uh, course/plot to take in the story because I think they are equally good. At least if I can just use them in a future episode if I decided to not use them this time.
Keith: Um, here. Have a treat for trying. Don't be discouraged, we'll figure this out somehow.
Keith: You... did try, right?
Myan: ...yes? om nom nom
Keith: Alright, if you say so. But maybe we should get some help this time? Myan: Yeah!
Why yes, this is indeed Myan wearing a pair of boots, diving suit, raincoat, swimming goggles, snorkel, and holding an umbrella. Inside she’s probably wearing more, like a scuba suit or something, not that would do anything.
Oh, and looks like I can cross umbrellas off from my “everyday things that are a b***h to draw” list, which includes hands by the way.
Alrighty, this is gonna be the last large/double comic, at least for a while. I really like working with the larger space, though it’s at the expense of requiring more work per comic. I’m also glad that I found TinyPNG to compress these images and make them smaller, or else these large comics can reach around 1MB or more.
Y’all can blame TheBlueMario in the chat for this page’s title.
EDIT July 2024: Why are South Americans (especially Mexico) searching “hot sweaty comic” and ending up here???? Not that I mind, I welcome you!
Myan: Now you can... pant ...spray me all you want!
Keith: Nah, that's punishment enough. Say, isn't it kinda hot in there? Can you even breathe?