Sorry for the delay everyone! I took this delay as an opportunity to reflect what I was doing wrong in the past… by being my natural lazy self just so I can prevent it, hopefully for good, in the future. Maybe you guys can learn something or even help!
First off, I’m still very easily distracted by video games, browsing, chatting, and checking my social media and website stats. Compared to before, I definitely have some more self-control now, but this is still the biggest hurdle for me since I do everything on the computer. Looks like it’s time to work on my self-discipline…
Whenever I start a new page, I still get intimidated when faced with a blank page/canvas. Check out the comic template I’m using for Cat Nine, feel my dread! The feeling’s more intense if I’m already late or if I haven’t made anything yet until the deadline approaches. So… I suppose the best solution is to make comics earlier or just keep drawing drawing drawing.
In the past, instead of feeling happy that I finished another page, I just remember the dread of starting another page. Yikes! I congratulate myself after every finished page now, even when I’m not 100% happy with it.
I’m pretty harsh on myself if I make a mistake or don’t know how to draw something. I’ve learned to let go of some of my mistakes, be happy about the things I got right, and make compromises for things I don’t know to draw it well yet (like changing to an easier pose to draw). Oh, and realizing that even professional animators (looks at Samurai Jack Season 5)Â and comic artists make mistakes helped me get over about being a perfectionist too.
Take a look at page 71; if I remember correctly, I didn’t use any references for Keith and Myan so it took forever to draw. I’ve learned to use references more often now, which improves my drawing and saving a lot of time. I can’t recall why I didn’t use references often in the past… maybe I think it was cheating, which it’s not by the way! Well, I’m thankful for my phone and the Internet for the rich resources of references. Perhaps I’ll get a proper digital camera and tripod in the future to help me get more references.
I still underestimate or overestimate my skill when drawing or the time it takes to draw something. I’ll think “Oh, this should be quick and easy to draw” when it’s just the opposite, and then I’ll feel stupid afterwards, “why can’t I draw this properly, I should know this by now” (looking at Keith in panel 2). Sometimes everything goes well though. I dunno about, but since I’ve gotten much better compared to before, the “everything goes well” occurs more often, so perhaps it was just my inexperience and I should definitely be drawing more often.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, or not! Just wanted to get this off my chest. I guess being yourself… might be the worse advise for some people!
This page’s RAWR Patrons. More patrons, First goal is achieved again, and 100 coffees (whaaat)! THANK YOU ALL!!
The words inside parentheses are (animal speak) which only animals can understand. In Cat Nine, animals can understand humans if they’ve already spent some time around them (like in page 132). I’m kinda surprised that it took this long for me to use this trope! I guess Myan was hanging out too much with Keith and friends.
I’m pretty happy with the way the lion came out. I’ve only drawn what, four lions in total in my life (not counting Myan in lion form). Making comics is my way to practice since I find drawing studies kinda boring, though I do make them if I need to. Google Images is also a huge help with photo references too! And Protip: If you can draw cats, you can also draw big cats, more or less.
This page’s Patrons. Second week, and another new patron! Hey, you know who you are, even if you’re not mentioned here I still appreciate your patronage!
*Kuya means big brother in Filipino. Like other languages, it’s not limited to only older male relatives, but who cares about that since I have 3 younger siblings and none of them calls me kuya haha…ha. 😂
Oh and you can bet that if this is a Japanese comic, Myan will probably have a nosebleed.
Poll closed and removed!
-Cougar- Myan: Why hellooo there little boy... do you have a kuya*? If you don't have one, you're fine too ehehe~ Cougar cub: I need an adult...
-Tiger- Myan: Mmhm! Me wants some of that tigerrrrr tush!
-Jaguar- Myan: You can bite me as much as you want! Or maybe I'll bite you instead?
Tammy: Is Myan... catcalling? Cruz: They grow up too fast. Keith: I-I want no part of this animal abuse!! Myan: Huuunks!