106 – My Good Lady
Finally, Episode 3 ends. Now that means I can take that hiatus. I’ll be back in July!
Keith: Good Girl
Myan: meowww
Keith: So that's one treat...
Myan: I don't want a treat.
Great cook. Loves dogs more than cats, to Myan’s displeasure.
Finally, Episode 3 ends. Now that means I can take that hiatus. I’ll be back in July!
Keith: Good Girl
Myan: meowww
Keith: So that's one treat...
Myan: I don't want a treat.
Wohhhhhh, second to the last page for Episode 3.
EDIT: Removed the Zalgo text from Hibi’s name. It was starting to annoy me to actually.
Myan: Are you sure it's alright?
Keith: Of course!
Myan: Even if I keep messing up?
Keith: Well... just promise me that you won't give up so easily next time. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't wake me up in the morning.
Myan: Uh...okay!
Keith: There's a good girl.
I dunno, what would you do if your pet got Myan’s collar? I doubt real animals have anything interesting to talk about, though it could be useful at times.
Keith: Listen, if you want to give up your collar, fine. But I think it would be a huge waste if you did. And we'll definitely miss hearing you talk.
Keith: I know I would. Though when I adopted you, I wasn't expecting all of... this to happen
Hibi-Hibi: Sorry about that...
Keith: Now don't you be sad too!
Never gonna let you down.
Hibi-Hibi: I think we should take a break for today...
Myan: ...are you giving up on me?
Hibi-Hibi: No Myan, I just-
Myan: Let's face it, I'll never fit in like this! And I don't want to cause any more problems for dad!
Myan: Maybe it's better that I didn't have this...
Didn’t know mano is unique to the Philippines. Interesting!
Hibi-Hibi: A lady is respectful to everyone, especially their elders. You can show respect by giving mano. Say "Mano po!" then hold your father's hand.
Myan: Mano po!
Keith: I'm not that old yet...
Hibi-Hibi: Now, bow so you can touch his hand to your forehead.
Hibi-Hibi: Just do it slowly-
Myan: D-dad! How could you?!
Hibi-Hibi: heh hehe
Hibi-Hibi: heh-ehem... Uh, you should wait until I was finished speaking, Myan.
Was trying to look-up if ladies and gentlemen in the past were trained with some physical punishment when they make a mistake, but I couldn’t find any. In any case, I don’t think it’s that effective when used by Hibi…
Oh hey look, another use for a fan aside from cooling down, and looking more ladylike.
Hibi-Hibi: A lady has discipline and self-control. Your father here will offer you a treat and you will politely decline by saying, "No thank you."
Keith: Uh, do you want a treat Myan?
Myan: The whole bag!
Oh my, 100 comics. Yipee. I was actually gonna celebrate the 99th comic, cause you know, Cat Nine, but eh. Anyway, I thank you dear readers, for keeping this comic going. Here’s to another 100!
Hibi-Hibi: A lady is defined by a number of traits...
Hibi-Hibi: Like possessing a sense of responsibility.
Myan: Oh! I know all about being responsible!
Hibi-Hibi: Courteousness.
Myan: That's me! Courteous!
Hibi-Hibi: ...and humility.
Myan: Everyone knows, I'm super humble!
I really like Hibi’s new dress here, especially since I’ve never liked the green from her old dress.
Haha, sorry if Keith looks kinda ugly here, I needed the practice! I got it mostly right I think, though it’s on the more realistic side. Hmm, everyone won’t look photogenic at all from that low angle… no wonder a lot of selfie pics are taken from high angles, yeah?
Hibi-Hibi: Perhaps I can help.
Keith: Oh, hey there Hibi-Hibi. You will?
Hibi-Hibi: Yes, this is a common problem for animals turning into human beings. I shall help by teaching her to be a lady.
Hibi-Hibi: This way, she'll learn how to act like a human and how to be cultured...y-yeah.
Myan: What...?
Ugh, now I can finally stop drawing “hands holding phones”, at least for now.
Tammy: Maybe you should teach her to act like a human girl instead?
Keith: Interesting idea, but do I know any girls that can help me?
Myan: Me!
Keith: You don't count in this case Myan.
Myan: I am a girl!
Tammy: Ehem!
Keith: You? But you're busy and you're totally one of the guys.
Tammy: Ouch, I don't think my fragile girly heart can take this.
This took some time to rewrite for some reason. Originally, Cruz’s advice isn’t that… useful (okay it was really useless), but I didn’t want to make Cruz as just another goofy guy. On the other hand, I don’t want to make him too serious/philosophical… so yeah, I think I got a good combination in this page, I think.
If you aren’t following me on Tumblr or Twitter, I mentioned that I might take a hiatus after finishing the current episode, so uh, heads up.
And yes he’s playing something on PS4… which game, I don’t know (I don’t have a PS4).
Cruz: Yes she can talk and transform but she's still a cat, right? That's why I think it's ok to train and treat her like a pet.
Cruz: Although some people don't like the words "pet" or "owner"
Keith: Right.
Cruz: I-In the end, the most important thing is that you treat each other as... family.
Cruz: You hear that? Family, Keith! *sniff*
Keith: Are you... are you crying?
Cruz: No....yes.