And it’s not exactly yandere I know, but the original idea was even less of a yandere so I kinda settled on this. B-but what do I know, it’s not like I’m a weeb that watches Chinese cartoons or anything.
Keith: Oho! Who's a good little fennec? Fennec: AHHH!! (Me!)
“Woosh” two times in this page. Three if you didn’t get it. Anyhoo, to be honest, I think this knife joke/arc’s a too long in hindsight. Maybe I should’ve… cut it a little shorter.
Myan: Rrrroooaarr Tammy: You call that a roar Myan? Cruz: Feeling really patriotic right now! Rallidae: I'm sure you do. Myna: I'm a duck! Meow meow meow... Keith: Excuse me, can I take a look at one of those balisongs?
Keith: Ohhh, it's authentic from Batangas too! Let's see if I can still flip these...
I can’t even imagine the feeling of rejection that salespeople face everyday. Also, I better stop before I used that face too much…
Rallidae: Yes. I'm curious, how did your cat got all the way up there? Keith: No idea.
Rallidae: Come on, you can tell me~ Keith: I don't know.
Rallidae: Pretty please? Keith: ...
Rallidae: Oh, okay, if you said you don't know, you don't know. L-let's just continue the tour... [Finally gave up] Keith: Sorry I can't really tell you...
Updates are still a little sporadic, but I’ll try to keep them regular again this month. Also, remember to vote for this year’s Halloween banner thingy!
Rallidae: Okay, about what happened last time... My brother and I usually interview interesting people around the campus for our video blog.
Rallidae: Anyway, we were trying to get people to "act naturally". We got that idea from watching nature documentaries...
Cruz: So, we're interesting people huh? Rallidae: It's not you.
Tammy: Ehehe! Rallidae: ...or you.
Rallidae: I was actually going to ask you, about that cat the other day. Keith: My cat huh...? Myan: I-I'm a lionnn~
I’m back from an unannounced hiatus, sorry about that! Was busy with other stuff as usual.
Anyway, Halloween is almost here. I’m gonna make a blog post so you can vote on what costumes they’re gonna wear for the banner + wallpaper! If you still want to make suggestions, now’s your last chance to do it. Voting will start on October 25, and end on the 28th!
Rallidae: Now, about my brother...
Rallidae: How did you even know he was my brother?'re the ones who are following us, you weirdos!
Rallidae: N-now over here is the Palawan Bearcat...
Sorry for the delay again as have been busy with other stuff as usual. Still, I’m working on some comic-related stuff too, like the new interactive side-comic Magicat Girl, and I’m planning and making some wallpapers for Patreon. The wallpapers could be panels from the comic pages, or original artwork. If you have a specific comic you want to make into a wallpaper, or have an idea for an original wallpaper, just leave a comment or send an email!
Guhh, I think I need more practice drawing glasses. To me, Rallidae’s glasses look more like a thicker version of those paper 3d glasses. Oh well! It would probably help if I get some glasses of my own as reference, and I do need them for seeing anyway (nearsightedness).
Rallidae: Do you have any questions before we proceed with the tour?
Myan: Where's your brother? Keith: What really happened the last time we met? Cruz: How did you get those smokebombs? Tammy: Do you actually work here? Rallidae: Hah! Are you sure you're not the journalists here? Well, let's talk about it while walking shall we?
I think my top view and long shot drawings are getting better. I sure hope so anyway.
Also, I’m making some more improvements around the site, like with more blogs/comics/art, and comment badges. Right now, I’m trying to come up with wallpapers and different themes for users in the comment section.
Rallidae: ehem!
Rallidae: Welcome to The Zoo everyone! I'm Rallidae, and I'll be your guide for today! Tammy: Ooohhh!
Cruz: Wow... It wasn't this nice before!
Rallidae: Yes, the zoo has been making efforts to improve the quality for both visitors and the animals.