Archive for hibi-hibi
Diwata living in a tree near Keith’s place. Shy around strangers. Always smells like flowers.
263 – Roped In
Poor Bakunawa. Got her nap interrupted, head bonked, screamed at by a lion, and then this.
EDIT: Forgot the stripes/pattern on Bakunawa’s face
262 – Rope for the Nope Rope
Let’s see how snakes like getting tied up themselves.
Usually a bad idea to try though.

- Sunblaze (annual)
- Voxumo (annual)
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- 🏅BlueDavrial
- Rothiem
- 🏅MCWildcat
- Xiao Sishen
- 🏅Hothead
- Jimmi Kristensen
- blehmaster9000 and more
- wut (annual)
- Techokami
- Mew
Hibi-Hibi: It's strange, but let's put aside the collar for now.
Hibi-Hibi: We should do what we came for before she wakes up.
Hibi-Hibi: Haliya?
Haliya: Do it.
Haliya: I just hope this works...
261 – Status Report
It’s time to… wrap it up?

- Sunblaze (annual)
- Voxumo (annual)
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- 🏅BlueDavrial
- Rothiem
- 🏅MCWildcat
- Xiao Sishen
- 🏅Hothead
- Jimmi Kristensen
- blehmaster9000 and more
- wut (annual)
- Techokami
- Mew
Keith and Tammy: Hibi!
Haliyans: My Goddess!
Haliya: I can guess what happened here. Marvelous work, my warriors!
Haliyans: We fought Bakunawa so they can flee, but they're the ones who did that.
Haliya: Eh?!
Hibi-Hibi: You're all alright!
Cruz: Well, most of us anyway.
Hibi-Hibi: I'm so glad I put that enchantment that warns me if you see Bakunawa.
Tammy: So that's what that flash was?
Hibi-Hibi: It's... not supposed to do that.
260 – Deus Ex Ventus
Finally had the opportunity to simplify Haliya’s tattoos cause they’ve been a huge headache to draw. Heck, this redesign took some time too… My bad though, I knew it was going to be a pain to draw in the future but I was too stubborn in getting some awesome warrior tattoos on her as fitting for a warrior goddess.

- Sunblaze (annual)
- Voxumo (annual)
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- 🏅BlueDavrial
- Rothiem
- 🏅MCWildcat
- Xiao Sishen
- 🏅Hothead
- Jimmi Kristensen
- blehmaster9000 and more
- wut (annual)
- Techokami
- Mew
Tiger Haliyan: She's out cold but I don't think that's going to last.
Redhead Haliyan: So... continue on, or go back? We need to report this to Lady Haliya.
Cruz: What's that?!
Tammy: Hold on, that wind sounds familiar.
231 – Travel Montage
Me before drawing this: “A lil map’s a nice idea. No idea how to draw maps yet, but it doesn’t seem too hard to learn.”
Me after drawing this: cries in 32 hours of learning more about perspective and drawing a bajillion lines and boxes as guidelines just to draw ellipses and cylinders
It doesn’t seem much but this page killed me so… please appreciate the map. I wanted to draw the tables they were eating in earlier (they’re placed somewhere in that grassy area), but I was getting too fed up at this point so please forgive for that too.
While drawing this, I’ve settled on the Haliyan population is around 259 since it’s a multiple of 7, then plus 1 for Haliya herself for a total of 260.
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Soblin
[Hinabulanon - Waywoods Gateway]
Blonde Haliyan: Oi there!
228 – Back To the Camp 2
Just relieved that I don’t have to draw Haliya’s tattoos for a while. Tip to amateur artists (and me), don’t use complex designs in your characters, at least if they’re going to show up frequently.
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Yugo Ryan
- Fishmeistercod
- Rothiem
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- Daniel Bordelon
- Sunblaze
- Xiao Sishen
- BlueDavrial
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- feralcat52
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Dragon Hawk
- Voxumo
- Soblin
Tammy: Wha- you're not coming with us?
Myan: meoww
Cruz: Aww~
Hibi-Hibi: Sorry, I really have to stay here to actually help.
Keith : Oh well...
Hibi-Hibi: Don't worry, we'll be done with the rope by the time you get back.
Haliya: I'll keep her company for you. Good luck on your quest!
Cruz: Catch you later!
Myan: Meow!
Keith: Bye then!
Tammy: Toodles! I hope we find something!
Anyil: We're off my Goddess!
227 – Where be dragons?
I’ve upgraded my Clip Studio from PRO to EX. Didn’t even get it with a discount, Clip Studio guys deserve all the money because it’s a worthy one-time purchase, unlike Adobe!
So I might be able to animate stuff in the future, after I gitgud first that is! And I bet some of you lewd dudes are looking forward to some animated stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Yugo Ryan
- Fishmeistercod
- Rothiem
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- Daniel Bordelon
- Sunblaze
- Xiao Sishen
- BlueDavrial
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- feralcat52
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Dragon Hawk
- Voxumo
- Soblin
Hibi-Hibi: In that case, we have everything except, her...
Haliya: Do you have any clues that can help with the search? Anything at all?
Keith: We could check around our camp? She did get us there.
Cruz: Right, and I want to check up on our stuff and the car.
Haliya: Sounds like a plan. Take some of my followers with you, Anyil?
Anyil: I'll roundup the gals!
Hibi-Hibi: While you do that, I'll stay here to work my magic. Take care of yourselves now!
226 – Thrope? Threepe?
I’m sorry, I got nothing in mind for rope-related puns for the title. And I imagine Hibi doing a lil dance while doing the thing.
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Yugo Ryan
- Fishmeistercod
- Rothiem
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- Daniel Bordelon
- Sunblaze
- Xiao Sishen
- BlueDavrial
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- feralcat52
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Dragon Hawk
- Voxumo
- Soblin
Hibi-Hibi: Is this enough? I can make it thicker if needed.
Tammy: Nah, it's already like the ones used by those big ships I see around back home!
225 – Rope is dope
Rope. Useful stuff, various uses. 😏
Here’s page 222 if you want to reread it.
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Yugo Ryan
- Fishmeistercod
- Rothiem
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- Daniel Bordelon
- Sunblaze
- Xiao Sishen
- BlueDavrial
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- feralcat52
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Dragon Hawk
- Voxumo
- Soblin
Hibi-Hibi (flashback): Yes. We need something tough and waterproof for Bakunawa's "collar".
Tammy: MERM--mmmf!
Cruz: Since we're in here, is there anything that we can use for what Hibi needs?
Tammy: Like... rope? Maybe? Seems like the obvious choice.
Keith: Oh! And maybe Haliya can lasso with it!
Haliya: It will be hard to lasso something that big, but I'll do it.
Blue Bunny Haliyan: Rope? Yep, we do have some spools here.
Hibi-Hibi: I can use these, but it could be thicker...