Butt Battle
on April 5, 2022Completed in: 14h 13m
Posted In: Lazylonewolf's Art, Cat Nine Art
HD+WIPMyan’s natural and supple cat(girl) butt, or Tammy’s trained and sculpted butt? Place your butts bets!
Inspired by Sunblaze’s idea, with some tips for depicting squishiness from 🏅Hothead
How did no one in my Discord come up with this, you genius! 
I’m pretty sure that in battle between Myan’s natural and supple cat(girl) butt and Tammy’s trained and sculpted butt the true winners are we, the observers.
Wise words.
Well this isn’t a fair competition. On the grounds that Tammy has lost her lovely fluffy wolf tail. Which absolutely belongs on her butt, forever, whether she likes it or not. So naturally she’s being horrifically handicapped here as she absolutely can’t compete with Myan without even being equipped with the bare essentials for even being in the same league. It’s like showing up to a gun fight armed with a banana. Now I want to watch that Monty Python sketch again.
I guess Tammy is permanently a wolfgirl now in some people’s minds from now on, and it’s my fault