89 – Trick then Treat
Whew, this page’s another toughie, yet very fun to draw. Particularly since I don’t really know how to foreshorten and draw dogs yet, but oh well, there’s really only one way to learn.
Also, -100 points to anyone who makes a card crusher meme out of this page
-100 points to MrR1 in the chat! (or maybe -50 since it’s not the full meme)
Keith: Here, have another treat!
Myan: Yeyyy! Um, I mean, meow! Uh, bark?
Keith: H-how dare you take advantage of my love for dogs!!
Myan: I'm sorr- nyehhhh!!
That’s just cruel of her D:
KomicsMaker I hope I don’t make Myan too much of a jerk
How many times did you accidentally spray yourself in the face while drawing frame 3?
GDA12294 Haha, none actually. I used some reference photos of people with guns and spray bottles, and took a photo of my hand holding a spray bottle as well. Of course, I also had to take a look at my actual hand (with spray bottle) now and then.
Snacks>pride I guess.
Because my mind is… quite literally mental. If not perverted. I’m refraining the obvious innuendo for the last panel. All I can really say is, If you’re going to imitate an animal, Practice your animal calls!
SanityJinxazu Haha, of course that also occurred to me while I was drawing it. That’s why panel 3 is really important.
For some reason, I can see a whole scenario where Myan ends up running away because she doesn’t believe Keith loves her, and then Keith realizes how much he cares about her, and they share a life bonding moment.
KitsuneFire I’ve already considered that, and probably most scenarios as well. Now the hard part is making it interesting or different enough, and actually making more comics…
This would be a perfect opportunity. She could be like “well you think it’s so easy being your cat, you try it!” and then she’ll be unable to change him back at first, and he’ll get stuck like that for like a day and then build up a better appreciation for her. Either that or she could just transform into a rabid dog and then bite him, that would show him, nothing teaches a lesson like having to get a bunch of shots in the stomach.
thefred Relax guy, it’s just a treat.
thefred Again, relax guy, it’s just… water. Also, he did warn her.
What a JERK! What did she do other than try to give him what he wants? I still want to see if she can project her shapeshifting abilities to others, that has a whole world of possibilities.
thefred Haha, they’re both jerks actually.
Lazylonewolf thefred Not so much jerks as two individuals trying to come to grips with a very weird situation. Keith is trying to come to grips with the fact he was adopted by a cat who can talk and shapeshift. Myan is trying to adjust to being a cat who can participate in the human world, which can be very confusing.
The world of cats, dogs and most animals doesn’t really include questions of right and wrong, there is merely what helps you and what hurts you. Thus, she figured that if shifting into puppy dog form got her some Meow Chow, then that was ok.
Keith is trying to do what any good pet owner should do, set boundaries and enforce them. His fault (in my opinion) is in caving under Myan’s puppydog cuteness. My understanding of animal training is that consistency is the key. It will be interesting to see how Keith and Myan will adjust to this strange pet, owner relationship.
@Darwinskeeper Lazylonewolf thefred Yeah, which is this episode’s theme. Good job!
eddiedalejr Yeahhh I haven’t actually watched that movie. Should I?
Lazylonewolf eddiedalejr If you have nothing to do, looking for a wacky but fun, but intense time, you should watch it.
eddiedalejr Lazylonewolf Maybe I will this week. 😀
What exactly is Keith crushing in panel 2?
@Darwinskeeper the cat treat
Myan got confused there
Oh pleeeease. How can this:(the first one) be cuter than that:(the second one)?!
Fursik If you like dogs maybe, you know, whatever floats people’s boats.
I don’t even know what’s going on anymore…
Marscaleb She doesn’t either
And the ploy is ruined by a meow…