70 – Let them eat cake
I read about blind people suddenly seeing for the first time, so I really wonder if cats will react the same way, seeing as they can’t taste sweetness. Last panel also inspired a lot by Lisa Frank stuff.
Oh yeah, Episode 2 is finally over! Thanks to everyone for sticking around since then!
Cruz: Well, sort of, since we don't really know your real birthday. Still, it's a nice excuse to have a little get-together.
Cruz: Anyway, cake!
Hibi-Hibi: Cake!
Cruz: That's for Myan, Hibi.
Tammy: Uh...
Tammy: ...should Myan even eat chocolate?
Cats do not taste sweetness because they do not digest carbohydrates well. They are obligate carnivores, that is they must eat meat. If you want to give a cat the runs, feed it veggies, if it will eat it in the first place.
If you can't taste the sweetness in the cake, the overriding flavour will be bitterness, which usually will induce someone to spit out the food.
David Nuttall I've heard chocolate is actually worse for cats than dogs, but as long as Myan only eats it when she's human, she should be fine, I think.
sirbacon David Nuttall I hope no one asks what will happen if she transforms back to a cat, or to another animal while she's still digesting the chocolate, or some other dangerous food.
Lazylonewolf sirbaconDavid NuttallGiven that the transformation is magic, I can think of two ways to handle it: 1. she'll be unable to transform while digesting such food, 2. the magic will alter her resulting digestive system enough that she can safely continue to digest such food.
@MauveCloud sirbaconDavid Nuttall I was thinking if chocolate could be used as a sort of kryptonite for Myan, which could be interesting. Also, these are some great ideas!
Since this is also a comedy comic, she'll probably just get indigestion rather than suffer from being poisoned and dying. 😐
@MauveCloud Lazylonewolf sirbacon David Nuttall
Well … the problems the transformation can have with theobromine pale in comparison with problems caused by the fact she have different MASS when cat and when human. In fact, humans can survive only roughly three times more theobromine that cat – PER KILOGRAM. Main reason why why don’t need to be afraid of theobromine poisoning is that humans weight at least 10x more than cats.
So, if her transformation can handle different mass (and different size of stomach), it can certainly handlesmall problems of digestion as well.
@hkmaly Lazylonewolf sirbacon David Nuttall I weigh about half of what a lion does and a third of what a tiger does. So I guess that a tiger and I could handle the same amount of chocolate.
Too bad I am allergic to chocolate (and a few other things). I guess that means the lion or tiger could handle more of the stuff after all.
David Nuttall Lazylonewolf sirbacon I dunno, chocolate is basically poison fror most animals. And I’m unsure if tigers/lions can taste sweetness anyway… also, is chocolate actually “sweet”?
David Nuttall Yeah I looked it up. Definitely worse for cats, but they aren't that interested in eating it because they can't taste sweetness.
Chooooclaaaate! 😀 😀 😀
But… cats may not be able to taste sweetness, but they can taste something humans can’t: adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It’s an energy transport molecule.
I know that chocolates are poisonous to cats,but how does a CAT-GIRL would be?She’s literally a cat human hybrid lol.
Half… poisonous? 
On a related note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl1fE9EGG9w
Oh yes, the fairy is also still a thing.
I guess you shouldn’t make pot brownies into a cake.
And feed them to your cat.
vamazing13 Hrm, does cat nip have a similar effect… maybe?
Lazylonewolf vamazing13 Usually. Big Cat Rescue tested this a couple of times. Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tklx3j7kgJY for an example. It is <b>so</b> cute!
David Nuttall Lazylonewolf vamazing13 Oh no, not THEM. You should know something about Big Cat Rescue. Which is that they are SCUM. They think that their animals should be locked in cages and that it’s fundamentally wrong for humans to interact with them, and they fight to steal exotic pets from their owners, even when the owners are responsible, so that they can lock them away in more cages. Watch THIS video to prove it to yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9ytloon7TI and LISTEN to what that creep says. “THANKFULLY”. THANKFULLY that guy lost custody of his pet bobcat. They just assumed he was an abusive owner because he…. took his kitty to the vet to get him a rabies vaccination and other routine care???? That’s their idea of “rescuing”. So no, after I saw that, I decided that Big Cat Rescue is absolute scum and you should too, and ignore them. The catnip video is just to get views on youtube and followers and DONATIONS, but their attitude is quite toxic. Compare them to the Cedar Cove people, like in this video: they obviously are the complete opposite.
So, as a cat, she couldn’t even appreciate sweet food, but now she can?
This must be like discovering a whole new sense you didn’t know you had. x3
Connorses It’s like discovering a whole new color!
dis is Gucci
cats can't taste chocolate
YanuLagman Can't taste sweetness in general and will most likely be poisoned because of chocolate. Is sad.
Lazylonewolf YanuLagman
thefred LazylonewolfYanuLagman I guess both caffeine and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine_poisonin… from chocolate are both bad for animals in general, unlucky for them. Still can't imagine about the chocolate taste when it comes to cats, but I imagine it was quite an experience for Myan/.
Hippy kitty tears of joy
Newker Like I said, also drool of joy.
LOL I thought she started having psychotropic visions in that last panel
Anonymousviewer Psychotropic explosions of flavor at least!
Lazylonewolf my kind of explosion
Anonymousviewer Lazylonewolf The best kind of explosion!