44 – We Talked About This Last Night
I bumped the quality up and returned to using more traditional cel-shading again.
Notes (10/23/2014)
Removed most of the older rant. Drama booomb!
Keith: You alright?
Cruz: Yeah, I stayed up all night working...
Cruz: ...on THIS!
Cruz: Yep, you can thank me later.
Tammy: Free bacon?
Keith: Cruz, we're trying to keep Myan low profile-
Keith: -so no to everything.
Cruz: ...I suggest doing the- what.
Cruz is me >:D
No fun allowed.
KomicsMaker A keith-in-the-mud that guy. Eh? Eh?
Lazylonewolf KomicsMaker
Form of martial art? Oh cool. I take Kyokushin. Though the only weapon that one uses is the bo staff.
I kinda stopped since I didn't have enough time. It was fun though, and the sensei mixes it up with some Kyokushin too.