106 – My Good Lady
Finally, Episode 3 ends. Now that means I can take that hiatus. I’ll be back in July!
Keith: Good Girl
Myan: meowww
Keith: So that's one treat...
Myan: I don't want a treat.
Finally, Episode 3 ends. Now that means I can take that hiatus. I’ll be back in July!
Keith: Good Girl
Myan: meowww
Keith: So that's one treat...
Myan: I don't want a treat.
Too damn cute.
She was just myan with you all along. Actually, you’ve given her the best treat of all already: freindship and love (cure the chibi effects)
Lazylonewolf Saskyou Kawaii desu-nya!
ShadowDarkness Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire
HeatherDarrow Don’t we all?
You got that “girl who just received a compliment from the most important guy” look on Myan perfectly, good job!
Also, ugh, why do you have to make her so adorable? You’re killing me, I’m telling you, especially with that collar. I’ll die of a Myan related heart attack and it’s going to be your fault.
I’ll even tell you after it happens so you can feel bad!
… because THAT was the treat she ultimately wanted and needed. XD
Everyone floats down here
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Oh yes… She’ll float… They all float…
thefred Much better than treats in my opinion.
ObsidianSpikes The better to hear praises, my dear.
zacherylawshe1999 He can just replace that with compliments/praise though.
Jim Conrad: It seems Myan is not acting quite normal. Could this be the work of those strange news people, or did Hibi have ulterior motives? Find out next time on Cat Nine… Uh… *Looks to Lazylonewolf* Where’s the rest of it?
Wolf: That’s the whole title.
Jim Conrad: Oh, o-okay… Next time on Cat Nine…ty.
Wolf: Dammit, Jim…
Well there goes the reward system for trying to get her to do chores.
Lazylonewolf David Nuttall Not quite what I had in mind.
It really doesn’t take a lot to make her happy.
With ears that big and magic powers i’m surprised those words didn’t ACTUALLY come out of her head lol.
KitsuneFire Maybe she’ll be able to float next time because of that.
David Nuttall Like this?
Myan: I want a Hug! (grapples Keith around the chest)
That face in panel 3…
Oh so kawaii.
Sometimes words are enough
A pat on the head and a ‘good girl’ is worth more than a treat aparently.
Its almost looks like shes gone into a state of euphoria with that ‘Good Girl’ comment.